Business Process as a Service for Healthcare

MedVision's BPaaS, Business Process as a Service, solution can help organizations of all sizes, from start-ups to those preparing to expand, to better utilize their resources. As firms develop, restructure, or want to better control ongoing operating expenditures, BPaaS alleviates some of the arduous responsibilities that they confront internally.


Task Management Services


Loading of enrollment, eligibility, revenue, and capitation files based on health plan frequency - reconciliation and reporting duties


Encounter processing and submission to health plans – guaranteeing network performance responsiveness


Loading and updating provider records and contract alignments to ensure accurate provider reimbursement

Health Plans

Upstream and downstream arrangements can be configured to be consistent in terms of reimbursement and carve-out structures.


Producing timely utilization, authorization, and claims reports in standard and custom formats for health plan partners — ensuring important delegated processes are compliant


Building and maintaining configurable rules that affect the routing of referrals, authorizations, or claims in the delegated value-based organization


Operations Management Services


Update data in accordance with all delegation authority and appropriate primary or secondary source verifications.

Referrals Processing

Complete utilization cycle management based on recognized medical criteria - streamline authorization process following organization's guideline policies and procedure instructions

Claims Administration

Procurement, adjudication, payment and distribution of provider and facility claims


Ability to conduct outbound capitation payments and reconcile member reports to providers. Provide health plan usage and trending analysis to detect network leaking

Contract Negotiation

Experienced executive teams that can evaluate contracts and structures throughout the network's stakeholders, including plans, providers, specialists, facilities, and ancillaries. They are designed to help you handle issues and improve your bottom line.

Call Center Operations

Maintaining a full cycle Customer Service department capable of tracking all incoming calls, routing to suitable people, and integration with other departments such as claims and referrals for faster call resolution.

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